so your vision is never lost.


Single Best Opportunity
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses the value of having and working through good conflict between team members and with the team and the leader. Whether you are a part of a small team or a very large team, one of the most important elements is that of engagement: –      Team Members engaging each other –      Engaging in good conflict –      The Leader engaging the Team Having conflict or different viewpoints or frustration can be […]
Families and Business – Importance of Stories
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses the importance of families telling stories. Readers Digest published an article about how family stories play a vital part of children’s development. Not only are these children better able to communicate but they are also better able to understand emotions and have higher self-esteem, which can lead to increased coping skills. Whether it is a family or business, make sure you are telling your people (family or teams) about […]
The Difference between Consultants and Guides
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses the difference between consultants and guides. Let’s start with the definition of consultants:  “People who provide expert advice professionally.” (from Merriam Webster)  They then tell you what you need to do and then leave. Merriam Webster Dictionary defines a guide as “a person who leads or directs other people on a journey.” The next time you are wondering if you should hire a consultant or if you have had […]
The Forgotten Element and the Importance of Capital Allocations
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, talks about Operations and Allocations.  Today’s leaders tend to have an operations background and thus focus on how to run more effectively.  Many of our clients focus on this but they miss the cash that is generated through the operations and capacity and to allocate or borrow on that capital.   Successful leaders and organizations typically also spend 80% of their time focused on Capital Allocations.  Time should be spent […]
The Importance of Assertiveness
In this week’s video blog our expert guide, Don Hadley, discusses assertiveness. What is assertiveness?  Our expert guides find that assertiveness goes back to communication that says to those around them, “I understand what you are saying and understand your expectations.  Here are my expectations.  Now let me tell you where I am coming from.  Now, how can we bring these together?” Aggressiveness is very different in nature.  Agressiveness is saying through behavior, words, and actions, “All I care about […]